Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Hugh celebrates his 2 month b-day with Finn
Here's what happened in the last few days:
• Hugh turned 2 months.... time flies!
• Jen and her 5 month old son Finn came up to Toronto to spend a few days with us.
• Hugh and Finn sat on a couch.
• I made burritos which fell apart, i began to sweat, and had a minor freakout... and blamed it on the lack of counterspace we have in the kitchen...
Action Packed thrill ride!
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Friday, June 16, 2006
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
hugh's new ride
Last night Hugh was very cranky and no matter how many songs we sang or contraptions we put him in, the lil geezer would not settle. After about 2 hours of unsuccessful attempts I had to pull out the big guns, so I strapped him into the baby bjorn, went outside and showed him what would be his in the near future... Instant happiness.
As he cooed and smiles I whispered to him "With neck mobility, stronger muscles and happy moods comes great responsiblity..." Whatever that means.
Lucky for me he won't be driving for 3-4 more years, so in the meantime i get to keep the car in good running order for him.